At Stony Creek Church, the Missions Committee provide leadership for the congregation regarding Missions involvement, raise money/supplies for charitable purposes and serve people as needs arise. Our mission is “To Lead our church in community ministry and missions outside of our church.” We welcome help with our various activities. Want to get involved? Reach out to the church office!

Benefit Concerts: These popular events are held on the seaside church lawn and support multiple charities.

Take a Vet Fishing: (VIEW FLYER) This rewarding service outing is held annually at beautiful Killiam's Point on Long

Island Sound. Volunteers prepare lunch and spend the day with the disabled veterans attending this full day of fellowship

and fishing.

Secret Santa: We partner with a local organization to provide clothing, food and gifts for a local family.

Food Drives: Held several times a year to benefit the Branford Food Pantry.

Meals that Heal: Volunteers provide comforting meals for those who need a little extra help.

Winter Clothing Drive: Collection of winter clothing and other necessities, held in January for the Branford Clothing Bank

Diaper Drive: Held in the Spring to benefit the Connecticut Diaper Bank.

Paint Nights: Led by local artist Ramona Helf, these fun nights benefit different charities which have included Take a Vet Fishing, Community Dining

Room and Americares.

Knit & Crochet: This new initiative involves volunteers of all levels knitting and crocheting a variety of items that will be donated.

Comfy Cakes: These individual cakes are provided for the congregation to bring to friends and neighbors, letting them know they are valued and thought of by others.